Indre Mission Cross, ca. 1952.

The cross was molded in many different variations, often for a specific Christian church or organization.

   Picture found on BrickFetish, Jim Hughes

The Churchly Association for the Inner Mission in Denmark (Danish: Kirkelig Forening for den Indre Mission i Danmark), or in short Inner Mission (Danish: Indre Mission) is a conservative Lutheran Christian organisation in Denmark. It is the largest revival movement within the Danish National Church. Despite its name, people do not belong to the Inner Mission as members separate from other congregations. Instead the group is organised as a foundation to support congregational activities and is led by a self-supplying board.

The movement was founded September 13, 1861 in the village of Stenlille on Zealand. The movement had its background in pietist and Lutheran orthodox traditions. The term Inner Mission in the name implied domestic mission, directed at christened people, as opposed to the many organisations dedicated to mission in foreign countries and among pagans.

The movement was influential in temperance work, various collective initiatives in rural communities, and otherwise efforts to 'civilise' the people of the 19th century. Many poor people found in the movement a community where they could be on equal terms with more wealthy members of society, as it stressed the creation of Christian fellowship through a variety of group activities. As a movement within the National Church, the Inner Mission is believed to have halted the outflow of church members to charismatic free churches and sects. In Denmark, these never got the following they did in other nations, e.g. Sweden.

Hellebjerg Idrætsungdomsskole.

On the box was these writing: Det lysende kors er en god og smuk gave til alle lige fra den yngste til den ældste.

Køb et eller flere eksemplarer til senere brug - husk: små opmærksomheder skaber altid glæde.
Glæd Dem selv - glæd andre med et lysende kors, of samtidig hjælper De os endnu engang i arbejdet for rejsning ad Danmarks Første idrætsungdomsskole på Hellebjerg


Inside the box was the next writing: (Danish):

Vi bygger...

Med året 1943 begyndte en ny epoke i KFUM og KFUK-idrættens historie, idet dosejer H. Schou, Palsgård, skænkede idrætsforbundet en grund på 28 trd. land ved Juelsminde Siden da har bestyrelsen for Hellebjerg gennemført rejsningen af landbrugsbygninger, anlæg af boldbander samt bygning af en landsinstruktionslejr.

De har
ved køb af dette kors hjulpet os et skridt nærmere vort mål: Opførelse af en idrætsungdomsskole på Hellebjerg.


Korset er selvlysende Når det har hængt i lys eller bliver belyst, lyser det i mørke.


Skolem er en ungdomsskole med særligt sigte på foreløbig uddannelse af iedere i KFUM of KFUK-idrætten.

Det er skolens mål efter KFUM og KFUK's arbejdlinier at hjælpe unge mennesker til dygtiggørelse og fornyelse.

Skolen åbner 1. maj 1958 og har følgende kursus:
5 mdr.s sommerskole for unge piger, 3. maj - 30. september.
5 mdr.s vinterskole for unge mænd, 3 november - 31. marts.

Yderligere oplysninger ved skolens forstander, overlærer P. Møller, skolen, Hedensted.


This Angel (a Christmas Tree Decoration ) is made from the rests of the glow - Plastic from

the Cross, during 1957. It is an Lego Toy and made in 1957 only for the Lego Workers .
































There is another angel, that very similar to the LEGO one, but is a later one from Hong Kong. Hong Kong is written at the back of the angel, so recognition is not difficult.