LEGO Prototypes.

LEGO Prototypes from an Danisch auction (2008). 

Prototypes 1:87 modelcars (1955-1969)

Prototype models of the 1:87 model cars. These models have never been reached production. 

Prototypes plastic animals (1955/1956)

Protoypes of the animals packaged in the rare LEGO House-animals, farmanimals and zoo animalssets. 

Prototypes plastic VW Beetle (1200) model special made for VW dealers (1953)

In 1953 LEGO was been asked to make VW Beetle models for the VW factory at Wolfsburg for promotion activities.

The models were given away to customers who had bought a VW Beetle. 

The VW Beetle models are scaled 1:38.

The Beetle had a white bottom and rubber tyres.

At VW Dealers there was a board with eight different coloured models, showing the real colours of the real VW Beetles.

Prototypes plastic Chevrolet Truck model 1:40 (1953)

Protoype of a Chevrolet Model Truck with are scaled 1:40

Prototypes plastic Chevrolet Van model 1:40 (1953)

rIn 1953 the Chevolet Van was the first model of the model car range with a scale of 1:40.